Dearest Readers,

A couple of days ago I was invited to a friend’s house for a late afternoon chat about all things marvelous and magnificent. When I arrived at his place the sun was shining, the sky was blue, the birds were probably singing and upon seeing me he said, “Wonderful good afternoon!”

This greeting reminded me of a fellow on the ashram who used to say, “Wonderful good morning,” when greeting people at the start of the day. It always made me smile.

As greetings go, nothing can beat Charlotte‘s first hello to Wilbur the Pig. “Salutations!” she says to him. What a great way to teach a kid a big word. I’ve never forgotten it.

Then there is the Good Morning Good Morning song by The Beatles that repeats the line three or four times in a row with ramped-up energy and verve. Love that, too. It never fails to get the juices flowing.

Why all this focus on greetings and salutations this morning? Because I’m feeling a lot of gratitude and humility today. A heart full of gladness and willingness to be of service. I have a life beyond my wildest dreams and I’m sharin’ the Love, people.

Here’s hoping that “after a while you start to smile…”

Inspiring Message of the Day: Salutations! Wonderful good morning! Good morning good morning good morning good morning ah! May those of us who are feeling joyful today inspire the ones who are struggling with a smile and an ebullient greeting.