Dearest Readers,

Have you heard the expression “ear worm”? I only recently learned it from Randy Bachman while listening to his Vinyl Tap program on CBC. It’s a term that is used to describe a song that is stuck in your head.

Today I have an ear worm. It’s from a 1993 song called “Dreams” by Gabrielle and the lyrics that are going round and round in my head are “Dreams can come true”.

Over the weekend I had a little dream come true. I got to sing on a track being recorded in a studio. Headphones, in the booth, behind the glass, the whole nine yards. Remember that ’80s Canadian show Thrill of a Lifetime? This was my Thrill of a Lifetime!

The best part about it was that I didn’t plan it. The song, as I’ve posted earlier, is for the Big O project I’m working on and it involves numerous singers and musicians, all of whom have heaps of experience and talent. When the suggestion was made that I take a shot at one section of the song I was terrified by the idea but I didn’t say no.

Despite the pounding of my heart and the jittering of my nerves, I gave it my best shot. I went into that booth and sang my heart out. Guess what? We ended up using it in the final recording of song.

This blog is just one piece of my overall vision to live a fearless life. So much of the work I’ve done in the last couple of years has been about clearing away the stuff that keeps me fearful, Old BS (Belief Systems) that tell me I’m not worthy of love, abundance or success. I do not do this alone. Mentors, sponsors, coaches, spiritual directors, you name it, I’ve got one.

By nurturing self-love, by doing the emotional and spiritual cleansing that the healing journey requires, I have found myself in greater and greater positions of abundance and success. As I’ve walked through my fear, my fear has walked away.

A few short years ago I would not have been able to sing in a recording studio. My Old BS would have sabotaged the situation. Fear of failure, fear of success. I would not have been able to hit the notes and I would have cracked under pressure.

But I didn’t crack. I sang with confidence and ease despite the fact that I was nervous and scared. My new way of thinking, brought on by a rigorous adherence to taking care of my spiritual well-being, carried me through. And the Great Spirit. Let’s not forget That.

Inspiring Message of the Day: Dreams can come true. But not by wishing. We need to do the footwork. I will continue to clear away the self-defeating behaviours that keep me in fear. I trust that if I am vigilant about this kind of healing work, my dreams will come true.