Dearest Readers,

During a summer road trip with lover a few years ago the two of us were sharing some of the more intimate parts of our lives with each other while driving along the deserted highway. As we pulled over at a rest stop this lover got out of the car and approached me for a hug, saying, “I need life support.” The sharing was that deep.

This expression is now one I use whenever I need a hug or an ear or a shoulder to lean on. I have to carefully choose to whom I say these words because not everyone is able to give life support. Sometimes the moment isn’t the best either.

Yesterday I was in need of big time life support. I ran into a friend and, for a moment, considered saying it right then. But the timing wasn’t great so I said nothing. Moments later, we were interrupted by a fracas and I was glad I’d held my tongue.

So I asked The Life Force Energy of the Universe for life support instead. I prayed for help. And I got it.

First, I received an invitation to tea, during which time I and a girlfriend chatted and laughed and listened to one another share. I was able to process what I had been through that day and come out the other side.

The second and third responses to my request came in the guise of voice mail messages. When I got home after the tea date there were two messages waiting for me. Both were from friends calling to tell me they love me, love the work I do and support me unconditionally.

Thank you, friends, for answering my prayer and for performing CPR on my self-confidence right when I needed it.

Inspiring Message of the Day: I will reach out and ask for life support when I need it. I will trust that it will come back to me in unexpected ways.