I don’t blog on Sundays.

I even try not to open my laptop on Sundays, unless it is to watch a movie. No email, no web surfing. I take a break from technology. I don’t do it perfectly, believe me, but I really commit to the practice and work it to the best of my ability.

A few years ago I was introduced to the notion of a taking a Sabbath day and I began to integrate the idea into my life. One day of the week where I do no work.

No work! That means if you’re a gardener you don’t garden. If you’re a writer you don’t write. It’s a day of rest, a day to rejuvenate your spirit. A day to enjoy your life without the burden of do-ing.

Yesterday was a wonderful Sabbath day for me. Not completely restful but absolutely uplifting. I attended a spiritual service in the morning and a post-wedding tea in the afternoon. I went to hear John Irving read/speak at the International Festival of Authors and then I attended my friend Evalyn Parry’s workshop performance of her new show Spin at the Hysteria Festival.

I was alone and I was with good friends. I was quiet at times and laughing my head off at others. I didn’t need to check my email. I didn’t need to be on line, staring at the screen, checking, checking, checking for what? It took me a while to learn that the world wasn’t going to stop if I didn’t turn on my computer.

It’s a new day today. It’s Monday. I’m on-line and I have a full morning of business. But I am spiritually prepared for the day and for the week because I took a Sabbath day yesterday. I highly recommend the practice.

Inspiring Message of the Day: Taking one day a week to let go of work, of do-ing, of checking email and being plugged in, is a form of deep self-care. It allows us to recharge our spiritual batteries and see the world anew.