Dearest Readers,

This post is being written in the wee hours of the morning pre-flight to Vancouver and post-show at the Yukon Arts Centre. That’s right, tonight we premiered the Big O Project for the locals and tomorrow we take it to the Olympics to represent.

This show has been a big part of my life for the last 6 months. My vision for the piece has, from day one, been to inspire the punters (a word the Irish use when referring to the audience — I picked it up while living there and still love to say it).

Tonight the vision became a reality. The punters went wild!

Six months ago I almost said no to this job. I didn’t want to create a stadium show. I couldn’t see how it could be in the slightest bit artistic. When I told this to a friend she said, “Well, that’s fine, Celia. As long as it’s not fear.”

Boy, did she nail it. It was fear.

And I walked through it. And here I am on the other side of it. Having created, with more help than I can adequately describe here, an artistic stadium show.

I’ll be posting from Vancouver.

Inspiring Message of the Day: When we let fear hold us back we rob ourselves of life’s most profound experiences. I will say “yes” to something today that I’m afraid of.