Dearest Readers,

No one is more surprised than I am by the work that I do as an Inspiring Coach and workshop leader. This work, which I consider to be an extension of my artistic practice, evolved from a process that had more to do with personal growth than growing a business. It was by walking through my own fear that Cultivate Your Courage was born.

I’ll never forget the terror that seized me as the day of the very first workshop approached. The voices of dissent were loud. “Who do you think you are? You’re not a therapist!” When I shared my fear with one of my own coaches she said, “Don’t you think it’s just a little bit funny that you’re afraid to lead a workshop about fear?”

Well, yes. I suppose it is just a little bit funny. “Now you can teach what you know,” she said.

This Truth has continued to be my biggest motivator when it comes to being a leader in the motivational movement. I walk through my fear everyday. I’m an expert at it. That’s what qualifies me.

So the terror is once again upon me as I expand the workshop beyond the borders of where I live by offering Cultivate Your Courage as a Teleclass. I’m excited, of course, and look forward to facilitating the call but the fear is present also. This is good news!  Again I have something to teach.

We must acknowledge the fear. We must admit it we have it. “Yes, I’m afraid.” This takes away its power.

If you are someone who feels ready for change, whose fear is somehow in the way of your greatest potential, please join me this evening for an hour of inspiration and self-reflection. If I can do it, you can do it.

Inspiring Message of the Day: Despite my fear I will take a leap and try something new. I’m afraid to change but I’m willing. I’m willing to break through the old belief systems (Old BS!) in order to experience a new freedom in my life.