Day One

Dearest Readers,

O What a World and All Its Glories Reign.

As the plane descended over Montreal at 7 a.m. this morning and I looked over the city I once knew so well the landmarks that stood out most prominently were the houses of worship. I could see churches, synagogues and mosques. Every few blocks a building erected to the Magnificence of Being. Corruption may exist in religion but at its heart religion really is (or ought to be) about celebrating the Wonder of It All.

How apropos, then, that I happen to be reading A Prayer for Owen Meany, by John Irving, which is all about faith and the lack thereof. As I reached the section of the book dedicated to Owen Meany’s funeral and read paragraph after paragraph of praise for the Divine I looked out and saw below the efforts of our desire to connect with the Divine above. Or within. Heck, everywhere!

O What a World and All Its Glories Reign.

Arriving at the apartment I used to call home, my glowing, pregnant sister fresh from the shower greeted me with her big, round belly growing a new person and again I was struck by the Power of Life and all its Mysteries.

After walking around the old neighbourhood and buying fresh Montreal bagels I saw a bird splashing in a puddle, dunking its head, shaking off the excess water and repeating the exercise again and again, insuring that its feathers were suitably clean for the day ahead.

O What a World and All Its Glories Reign.

Driving to Ottawa from Montreal where the land between is lush and green and farmer’s fields stretch beyond the highway I saw white, yellow and purple splashes of wildflowers lining the soft shoulders of the road; red-winged blackbirds perched on long grasses waving in the wind; and white puffs of cloud dotting the perfect blue sky.

O What a World and All Its Glories Reign.

This is only Day One of the 8-week journey. Such riches! Such wealth, my friends!

Inspiring Message of the Day: Am I able to stop and notice the extraordinariness of this Life today? Can I see beyond the banality of everyday living to connect to the Experience of Being? I will do my best with this practice for there truly are wonders to behold all around me.

Service, Please

Dearest Readers,

This morning I had a sudden and last-minute opportunity to volunteer for a wee little jobbie in a business meeting. I did not particularly want to take on the responsibility but no one else was stepping up to do the work.

Last night I heard a guy talking about helping another person when he feels low. “It gets me out of myself,” he said. I wasn’t feeling particularly low this morning but I did have a head full of Celia. When the opportunity arose I new in an intuitive instant that I could help out. “I can do this,” I thought to myself.

Hearing the Inner Volunteer is one thing. Stepping up is quite another. How many times do we hear that voice and ignore it? It is only from previous experience that I knew that to take on the jobbie would effectively mean getting out of my self-centered thinking and finding my way to Peace.

I’ve so blogged about this before but when I was 16 I did an Outward Bound course where I learned the slogan, “To serve, to strive and not to yield.” This was probably the first time that the idea of doing service really hit home.

Up until that point, most of my life was spent doing self-service. I wanted what I wanted when I wanted it and that was always NOW. Needless to say, I wasn’t a very satisfied individual. It wasn’t until I learned the art of self-less service that I began to experience that wonderful gift of Peace that comes from doing something for nothing.

At the end of this month I’m going to the Sivananda Bahamas Yoga Retreat to lead Cultivate Your Courage. Although the ashram is providing me with accommodation and meals, I am not taking a fee for the workshop. It is considered Karma Yoga, or selfless service.

Admittedly, it’s not a completely altruistic endeavour. I’m hoping to build other opportunities for Inspiring Leadership out of this one and hey, I get to live in paradise for a week. But when they asked me to do the workshop as a form of Karma Yoga I agreed. It is my way of giving back, giving thanks, offering the Gift in return.

So this morning when I had that moment of clarity that told me I could step up to the plate and take on the role that no one else wanted I knew that by doing so I’d not only be expressing my gratitude for all the gifts that are my life but I’d be opening myself up to continuing to receive that priceless gift of serenity. And guess what? I got it.


Inspiring Message of the Day: Is there a way for me to give back today? Is there an opportunity to be of service? I will look for it and then step forward into action. I will open myself up to receive the Beauty of Humility that comes when I give without expectation of reward.

Circle Up

Dearest Readers,

Yesterday was a Full Circle Day. A day when something which once had a beginning is now given an ending and the chapter is closed.

In January 1997 I moved to Edmonton, AB, after a 15-month stretch in Ireland. The fantasy was to move there and start a theatre company with a “friend” but the reality was that I was addicted to a doomed and destructive relationship. Four months later I was outta there.

Despite the insanity of my predicament I did make some attempt to get involved in Edmonton’s theatre community. I called a number of theatre companies and artistic directors to set up meetings and introduce myself. Out of all the people I called, only one responded with enthusiasm and actually agreed to meet with me in person. I was ever so grateful at the time.

Thirteen years later I got to meet this man again. Just yesterday we got together here in Whitehorse for a cuppa tea. He is in town working with Nakai Theatre and we hooked up to chat about our respective theatre projects. We laughed about the fact that we were getting together 13 years later and compared memories of our first meeting. They were similar but different.

He remembered me coming to a rehearsal of a play he was directing. I remembered coming to see the show but not being in rehearsal. It didn’t matter much but it was interesting for me to hear that I’d actually been somewhere I didn’t recall being. Memory is such a strange thing.

My memories of Edmonton are a mix of the good, the bad and the ugly. It was a pretty dark time in my life but I was also receiving abundant gifts from the Universe including the realization that if I didn’t stop drinking I was probably going to stop breathing. It was a life-changing trip.

Meeting with this man yesterday gave me the opportunity to reflect on that time in my life and how far I’ve come both in my personal life and in my work life. There I was, at the beginning of my career, looking for support in an unknown community. Here I am, mid-career, surrounded by love and support in a community I hold very dear to my heart. Total one-eighty.

Did the progress I’ve made come from hard work? Partly. Did the success I’ve had come from luck? The Chinese couple I worked for at the Good Taste Restaurant in Edmonton might think so. I, however, must give all credit to the Great Mystery, to the Benevolent Life Force Energy that woke me up in that fair city and started me on the Healing Path.

The dictionary on this computer says that coming full circle means to “return to a past position or situation, especially in a way considered to be inevitable.” I like to think that coming full circle is when a past position or situation returns to us, especially in a way considered to be mystical.

Inspiring Message of the Day: When I come full circle I will recognize it as a chapter in my life coming to a close; a specific healing that needed to take place has just occurred and I will acknowledge and give thanks for it.

Welcome the Grey

Dearest Readers,

It’s lashin’ rain out there and no doubt the dry forests are breathing a sigh of relief. We need rain so badly in this region right now. The gorgeous summer weather has meant bone dry land that is ripe for forest fires.

Upon waking, I opened the curtains to see the wet, gloomy, grey and thought, “How beautiful.” Whaaat?

This uncommon reaction reminded me of a tourist couple I met last year when I was in Haines Junction, YT, for the Yukon Writers’ Festival. We (my fellow authors and I) encountered them at the Visitor’s Centre and greeted them with the typical “beautiful day” introduction.

“We’re sick of it,” they said.

Their response was kinda shocking.  We’d been soaking up the sun and loving it. They’d been on the road for weeks and nothing but sun, sun, and more sun. They’d grown weary of it.

“We’re dying for some rain,” they said. “We just want to see some clouds and feel that freshness of the rain falling on our skin.”

I thought they were crazy. Who could believe a person would ever complain about perfect, sunny days?  But this morning, when I heard that rain tap-tapping on the windows and felt the coolness of the wet day, I actually understood where they were coming from.

Inspiring Message of the Day: Be still sad heart and cease repining;/Behind the clouds the sun is shining,/Thy fate is the common fate of all,/Into each life a little rain must fall,/Some days must be dark and dreary. ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The Ultimate Agent

Dearest Readers,

Yesterday, as my brain went on a future-trip and my anxiety began to rise due to the fact that none of the issues the mind sought to resolve were immediately solvable I went out on a limb and asked for a miracle.

The dictionary on this computer has two definitions for the word “miracle” and both are very appealing:

A miracle is “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore considered to be the work of a divine agency.”

A miracle is “a highly improbable or extraordinary event, development, or accomplishment that brings very welcome consequences.”

The reason I asked for a miracle was simple enough. I had no peace. My mind was hard at work to figure out things that it simply has no control over at present. I needed that Divine Agency to take over.

So I asked for a miracle.

A short time later the phone rang. It was Beverly R. Down, the President & CEO of the Creativity Coaching Association, of which I am a member. She asked me if I would like to come and do a presentation at their conference in October in Lake George, New York.

This was the miracle.

Why? It’s just a phone call. It’s a job offer. It’s not too extraordinary. But it is extraordinary. Because the brain activity that was causing me so much stress was all about my path as an Inspiring Leader and should I really continue to pursue it?

Earlier in the week I’d sent out a couple of inquiries to speaking agencies and, of course, not hearing back immediately my mind went into big-time negative-thinking mode. The itty-bitty-shitty-committee was now in session.

When I am being attacked like this by the voices of dissent the only way to get them to shut up is to call the Divine Agency on the direct line and ask for help.

“Send me a miracle, please.”

And what happens? A surprising and welcome event occurs with very welcome consequences. A veritable miracle occurs.

I always say this, folks: I don’t know how prayer works I just know it does.

Inspiring Message of the Day: When the negative thinking becomes just too much to bear I will ask for a miracle and I will expect extraordinary results. The Divine Agency is always open for business.

I Do

Dearest Readers,

Today is my parents’ 42nd wedding anniversary. This, quite frankly, amazes me. The longest committed relationship I’ve been in lasted one year. Another, which I would call semi-committed, lasted about two. A handful of others lasted months or weeks or days. Several lasted years with no commitment. Most were dysfunctional.

Despite the fact that I have parents who are still together after 42 years my opinion of marriage is rather spiritless. I don’t believe in it and I don’t not believe in it. If you want to get married, great! If you don’t, great! Personally, I have no desire to get married and doubt I ever will. But who knows? Things change and people change and I’ve been known to be wrong (on one or two occasions).

My parents have been close to splitting many times over the course of their four-decade-long relationship. Every time they have been on the verge of a split the two of them work it out, sometimes with help and sometimes not. They move through the difficulties, re-commit to the vows and stay together.

I’ve heard that half of all marriages end in divorce. Not exactly true. The following quote was found after Googling “divorce rate canada”:

“The latest estimates from Statistics Canada in 2008 suggest that 38 per cent of married couples in Canada will divorce by their 30th wedding anniversary (divorce beyond that point is rare). The percentages range from 22 per cent in Newfoundland and Labrador to 48 per cent in Quebec. In the U.S., the figure is 44 per cent.”

I knew a couple who separated after 3 months of marriage. I know quite a few couples who split after only 2 or 3 years of marriage. It’s difficult to understand. But it’s also just as baffling to see people staying together for years who are clearly not having a good time in the relationship.

Being single is not always easy but I must admit that I enjoy it immensely. I’ve had to work out a lot of relationship issues over the years and sometimes wonder if I’m still single because the old fear of intimacy is winning the day or if I truly am most content as an independent. For today, it’s the latter.

To my parents on this day, however, I offer congratulations and salutations. For sticking it out through thick and thin, for believing in the vows and each other, for the loving and the not-so-loving times that you have shared with us, your family, conveying with true humanity the un-pretty reality of the long-term commitment: it’s work, kids.

Inspiring Message of the Day: Today I will celebrate the relationships in my life and appreciate the work that it has taken to maintain them. I will open to receive intimacy and I will stand firm in my independence. I do!