Dearest Readers,

The to-do list is a mile long, I’m heading on the road in 24 days for 2 months, I’m performing a show tonight and my brain is hyper-active and thinking non-stop. So guess what Grace Cards I pulled yesterday?


You gotta be kidding me.

Well, it was tremendously difficult to let go of all that I had to do but I did it. I listened. I cancelled a meeting, turned off the computer, took a nap, and every time I started to think I consciously told myself to “relax”.

Of course, upon waking today, the overwhelming feeling is now one of high anxiety. I’m a day behind, how am I ever going to get everything done, I have to catch up, I have to do, do, do.

No. Wrong. Uh-uh.

The “relax” part can stay in place.  If I’ve learned anything it’s that the world is not going to fall apart if I don’t answer  my email. I’ve also learned that worrying has never made anything happen more quickly or more smoothly. Anxiety does not solve problems it creates them.

So, seeking further Guidance I pulled the cards again this morning:


I like first one. It reminds me to keep my eyes and my ears open for the spiritual messages. The second one is good, too. Connecting with people and with Higher Guidance and with my Self will make this day one that is full of meaning. It’s the third one I’m not so sure about.

Here is what it says on the back of the ACT card:

“Charge forward. When we combine action with unwavering faith, the power of grace will meet our needs.”

Yikes! Charge forward. At this point, if I start charging forward without relaxation I might find myself running head-first into a brick wall. I think I’d better do a re-write. How about this:

Charge forward and relax about it.

Ahhh. That’s better.

Inspiring Message of the Day: Today I will seek balance. I will take action but I will let go. I will move forward while staying present. I will trust that Higher Guidance is directing the show despite my overwhelming desire to run it myself.