Dearest Readers,

It probably sounds weird for a self-employed person to say, “I took the afternoon off,” because one imagines that the lifestyle of the self-employed is pretty much “off” to begin with. Kind of like being retired. Our time is our own. Freedom from the punch-card etc. Not entirely so.

It is still possible to be a self-employed workaholic. I’ve had to learn to take time off, to stop working late until in the evenings, to turn off the computer on Sundays. And these have all been good lessons. Discovering relaxation and rest and coming to believe I deserve these things have all been the rewards of this big change in my life.

At the beginning of this past week I received an email invitation to go for a hike with a some great gals. I skimmed the message and then ignored it, knowing I simply couldn’t take the time.

Yesterday, the day the hike was to take place, I taught a yoga class in the morning and a couple of the students also happened to be the hikers. I asked about the hike before starting the class remembering that they would be going out some time that day. I still thought, “Too bad I can’t take the time.”

At the end of the class, while lying in savasana, I heard the Still Small Voice. It took a while for me to hear it but it soon became clear.

Go to the mountain.

At the end of the class I asked them if the invitation still stood. Of course it did. They were delighted I’d be joining them. I felt liberated! I packed a lunch and off we went.

Halfway up the mountain road I spotted a Mama Grizzly and her cub. Right away I knew I was exactly where I was supposed to be. Bears and me, well, we have a history. They have a way of showing up in my life and I take their presence as the Higher Power giving me a little wave. “Hi, Celia. I’m here. Glad you’re paying attention.”

It was a marvelous afternoon. The sun shone through the clouds and the vistas from the ridge were out of this world. At the summit, we baked on the rocks and enjoyed each other’s company. I said, “Is there anything better than this?” One gal replied, “Not really.” And we laughed and laughed. Not so much because it was funny but because it was true.

So I took the afternoon off. Nothing bad happened. The world didn’t end. In fact, it continued on just as it always has and always will. I only think I have to work hard. I only think there’s no time. Time to stop thinking so much. Time to follow the Great Bear Way.

Inspiring Message of the Day: Today I will take the time to get quiet and listen for Guidance. There may be something I need to hear. Something like a Gift.