Dearest Readers,

Yesterday, as I was describing the last month and a half of my travels to the VA with whom I work, I realized that a lot of my experiences have yet to be integrated into my present reality. Sometimes it takes talking about something to land it in the body, so to speak.

For example, I had a client in one of the Cultivate Your Courage workshops who talked about the birth of her child and as she told the group her story she said, “I’ve actually never said it out loud like this before.” She went on to describe the most amazing birthing process in splendid detail.

At the end of the workshop this woman told me she needed to go outside to be alone. “I need to integrate this experience right now,” she explained. “I’ve never done that.” Her kid was two years old.

Talking about something makes it real. Sometimes more real than the actual occurrence. When we verbalize our experience it somehow makes it more definite. A completion, of sorts, takes place.

I left the Yukon almost seven weeks ago and since that time I have seen and experienced so much. I have so many stories to tell! Some of them I have told here, some of them I have told elsewhere. Some I may never tell. But what I know is that through the telling the story becomes whole.

If I keep it to myself I might not get to live it.

Inspiring Message of the Day: I will give birth to my stories. I will make real my past experiences by talking about them with other people. I will integrate the past with the present thereby making it Real.