Dearest Readers,

Those of you who have participated in the Cultivate Your Courage workshop I lead on occasion will know that one of the tools I use to walk through fear is to first admit that I have it. After spending most of my life acting as if I was afraid of nothing and therefore being afraid of everything I finally realized the ruse wasn’t working for me. Like, at all.

Paradoxically, I discovered that when I admit I am afraid the fear lessens, often disappearing altogether. This method has now become a regular personal practice, which I do my best to share with whomever cares to listen.

Recently I was speaking with someone who had never actually heard of this concept let alone imagined that it could work. He, like me, had believed that if he denied his fear he would overcome it. What he had discovered (the same way I did) is that his fear had, in fact, gained power over him and was now running his life. By pretending he wasn’t afraid he had unwittingly been giving his fear permission to grow.

(Gentle aside to all of us who think we are: We are not alone.)

I’ll never forget the day I put up my hand and said, “I am a fear-based person!” No one else was in the room with me but I swear to you I heard an arena-sized cheer erupting around me. It was so freeing! My whole life I’d been saying, “I’m not afraid, I’m not afraid,” while the fear churned sickeningly inside of me. Now, by simply saying, “I am afraid, yes. I really am,” I suddenly felt more peaceful. The raging waters of terror stilled and the calmness of Truth prevailed.

This discovery changed my life. And I invite you to allow it to change yours, too. I will be leading a Cultivate Your Courage Teleclass in September during which we will be exploring this and other tools to overcome the fear that robs us of joy and personal freedom. The first class is free and I’ll be using it to describe what we will be exploring in the following three classes.

We’re all in this together, folks. Please join me.

Inspiring Message of the Day: If I deny the fear I cannot defy it. Yes, I am afraid. Now open the door.