Dearest Readers,

It’s the end of the day and I’ve hit a wall of fatigue so what kind of inspiration can I offer y’all today? I’m at a conference in Texas and it’s incredibly exciting and majorly exhausting all at the same time.

At one point this afternoon I met a couple and the gal asked me how I was doing. Instead of saying, “Good how are you?” which is the standard answer to that kind of greeting I said, “I’m a little overwhelmed actually.”

Both she and her partner were impressed when I continued to share about how I was feeling. “Thanks for saying how you’re really doing,” they said. They appreciated my honesty.

It wasn’t so much honesty on my part as it was a need to shift my emotional state of being. I’ve learned that when I tell the truth about myself from my heart the act of doing so can move me from fear to Love. It was Self survival time more than anything else.

As I left the couple they thanked me again. And as I post this blog the fatigue has shifted to thankfulness. It may not be much but it’s enough for me.

Inspiring Message of the Day
: When someone asks me how I’m doing I will say the Truth. Not only will it shift my own state of Being it may also inspire the one who asked.